Contento for Developers and Technical leaders

Build it once and give Marketing a Headless CMS they can own forever.

So you spend more time doing what you do best: building great products.

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"I'm spending too much time tweaking and fixing things on the Marketing site and it's taking me away from Product Development."

An intuitive Headless CMS that Marketing can take ownership of

Our goal is to eliminate the Marketing/Dev bottleneck in companies by providing developers with flexible tools and Marketing with a user-friendly Headless CMS, addressing issues with site updates, Jira boards, and diverting attention from Product development caused by current CMSs.

A Headless CMS built for the page

Contento doesn't treat content as an abstraction. Let's face it, more often than not you're editing actual pages with URLs, not chunks of floating content that are consumed by something else. That's why we've built Contento on a philosophy of distribution between pages and entries.

"Marketing needs to be able to build out and edit blogs and landing pages without our help."

Flexible, composable content architecture

Content models that truly reflect the structure of your website and its content. Use blocks to create re-usable structures that the content team can easily use.

Map those blocks to your front-end and deploy them anywhere. Add validation rules so you're sure your components know what data they're going to receive.

Mockup of website with blue background and man standing with arms folded
Two people working together on a computer

"Integrating our tech stack with Wordpress is clunky. I want my content to come from an API the same way I pull pricing data from our product API."

Well-Documented REST API

A clear, flexible REST API for whatever language you use. Query your content at build time, get specific with field-level filters and use dedicated Image API to optimize and deliver your images from our edge CDN.

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"I don't want to manually map fields to SEO properties and generate JSON-LD Schema for each page on a website."

First-party SEO across all plans

Map fields to SEO properties once, and pull a fully compliant JSON-LD Schema out of the API for every page on your site. Users can override the automatic mappings you set up and get a preview of how their page will look in search engines and social media platforms.

Screenshot of the Contento SEO tool

"Our current CMS makes it hard to retrieve data that's been accidentally deleted or changed."

Never lose your content again

It happens.

Someone changes something they shouldn't have, but thanks to soft deletes nothing is truly lost and you can easily retrieve data.

Crisis averted.

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Man working at laptop

"I’m worried about usage limits as our site grows, because with some Headless solutions the price can jump significantly when you need just one more content type or a few more API calls."

No Hidden Charges or Price Gouging

We don't price gouge based on hitting different limits. We offer a generous free package and clear, simple pricing structure so you know exactly what you're agreeing to.

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Our customers say it best

Here are a selection of testimonials from some of our customers who've successfully made the move from a legacy CMS to Contento

Kevin Magee CTO, Zyte

Kevin Magee

CTO Zyte

One of our goals was to ensure our Marketing team was not held up by the Engineering team on a daily basis. We achieved that and empowered Marketing to maintain the site at a speed aligned to our business requirements. Content creation and Engineering have been decoupled.
Philipp Maucher Chief of Staff & SaaS Network Ireland Coordinator

Phillip Maucher

SaaS Network Ireland Coordinator

We moved from Wordpress to Contento and have been delighted with the move. I no longer have to get developers to update the site - I reckon it's reduced my site 'admin time' by over 70%.
Ryan Crowley, CEO of Kore Systems

Ryan Crowley

CEO Kore Systems

The migration to Contento was seamless - the results have justified the decision to replatform to Headless.
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Get started for free

Its quick and simple to deploy a starter kit, check out how it all works and see if Contento is a good fit for your project.

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