SEO Module

Say goodbye to stressful SEO.

Get your technical SEO implementation up and running quickly with our easy one-click and it's on SEO module. Including flexible and customisable SEO field mapping and Google preview, we are helping you to make SEO simple for your website.

SEO Module
Woman smiling at laptop

SEO doesn't have to be complicated

Simplifying the SEO process

With a range of options to suit your SEO needs, you can set things to autogenerate from your site settings or a specific field, or be manually updated before you hit publish.

Don't forget to be social

Streamline social sharing with our in built Open Graph settings

Your social sharing shouldn't be an after thought. With our SEO module it's built right in, set it up once and know your content will be ready for sharing across Facebook, X and LinkedIn.

Super quick developer setup

All your SEO data right at your devs fingertips

With our generateSeo function available in the Contento SDKs and built into our Starter Kits your devs will find SEO setup a breeze.

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Deploy a starter kit now

The Marketing Website Starter Kit

Marketing Website

An example brochure site consisting of a collection of composable content blocks, landing pages and a blog.

The Minimal Starter Kit


The minimal starter kit has a page builder template, header & footer navs and a collection of composable content blocks.

The Blog Starter Kit

The Blog

Everything you need for a blog — a page builder template, header & footer navs and a collection of composable content blocks.

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Get started for free

Its quick and simple to deploy a starter kit, check out how it all works and see if Contento is a good fit for your project.

Get started